Summer "Vacation" and Self-Care

I am sure that I don’t have to tell you that it’s been about a decade since March. I pretty much army crawled to the end of the semester. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted, as I know so many of you are as well.

Like most teachers, I get summers “off”. While we know that doesn’t mean we get paid for summers and that we are not truly “off”, it will allow me to slow down a bit. I am ever so grateful for this time.

I intend to make self-care my number one priority. I have lots of writing to do and apparently have to redesign my courses to fit an 8-week model for fall semester (universities like Centre College are taking this approach as well). I’ll have professional development and meetings and all sorts of other menial tasks. But, I reiterate, I intend to make self-care my top priority.

As the Monday Message heads into summer break, I want to leave you with some resources that you might also find useful as you think about how to protect your mental health in the coming months. If you need me, visit the Contact section of this website. I’ll “see” you in the fall.

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